Exp Realty LLC

3 Important Facts About Sago Palms

by Jo Ann Haven 09/11/2023

Sago palms are a wishlist item for many plant collectors. Native to the warm regions of Japan and China, these striking plants can grow large indoors with the right care routine. If you're thinking about adding a sago palm to your indoor jungle, here are some facts you should know:

Light Requirements

Sago palms do best in bright but indirect light. Direct sunlight can cause the foliage to burn or wilt, so either using a sheer curtain or avoiding the hot afternoon sun is best. Opt for a bright East, West or South-facing window for the ideal lighting environment. In warm weather, you can move the plant outdoors to a partially shaded area like a porch or patio.

Temperature and Humidity

Sago palms thrive in warm, humid conditions. They cannot survive in the cold: frost will damage the leaves and temperatures below freezing will likely kill the plant entirely. When you grow a sago palm indoors, try to protect it from cold drafts and airflow from windows or air conditioning units. The more regular you can keep the temperature, the healthier the plant will be.

Sago palms love humidity, so consider a portable humidifier or pebble tray to increase the ambient moisture around the plant. Clustering plants closely together is another way to maintain a higher humidity, but keeping them away from direct sun and drying air vents should be enough to keep them comfortable.


One of the most important things to know about sago palms is their toxicity. When ingested, any part of the plant is highly toxic to humans and animals. If you have pets at home, keep your sago palm well away from them to avoid risk of illness or death. Luckily, these plants are slow growers and fit well on tables or tall plant stands out of reach.

Is a sago palm right for you? Consider these key facts if you're thinking about adding this plant to your collection.

About the Author

Jo Ann Haven

Have you spent the past 35 years learning all you can about your new home in Brevard County? Do you know which neighborhoods meet your needs? Which school districts are the best? Where you get the most value for your investment and what local infrastructure changes are just around the bend?
Jo Ann does. She has loved this area since moving here over three decades ago. As a qualified realtor and parent, she knows the right questions to ask and can help you find your perfect home regardless of whether you’re a first-time or forever-home buyer. Condos, townhomes, and single family homes on the mainland or luxury homes on our barrier islands, Jo Ann can assist you in making the right choices for your current and long-term residence. And if you decide to rent while looking, she can help with that, too.
With the same dedication Jo Ann has put into training to run half marathons and other short races, she will explain the buying process, answer your questions (over and over if needed), and guide you through the hoops to home ownership. Call or email and let’s get started.